jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

Contact mobile-mobile

Contact the PA3EPA/M with EA5GTU/M
I contact from mobile to mobile, fantastic QSO with PA3EPA/M for Rotterdam with my station also in mobile for Cartagena. This is the friend's received email Bert:

Dear Diego,
Many thanks for the very -very nice QSO this afternoon.My 1e QSO mobile EA/ mobile PA. I am very glad with this QSO.My mobile position was near Rotterdam in JO21 BX.
My car (Ford Transit ) is on the photo. You can see the antenna at the back of my car.Antenna is from HUSTLER HF Mobile systhem from Texas USA. I can work 10,15,20,40 and 80 m band.My TX is ICOM 706, with 50 watt power to save my battery.
I will send you myQSL- card by post this night.
Your signal was very strong : RST= 5-9 + thursday 10-01-2008 at14.10-14.20 GMT on 14.220 Mc SSB.
Hope to hear you again with your mobile station.
You have a nice truck, see it on QRZ .com.
Good luck and ' 73 to you and your family and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008.

Gijs(bert) Kraaijveld

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